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Magnets4Energy The "Magnets4Energy" or "Magnet4power" scam is a derivative of the original "Magniwork Perpetual Motion" scam. The principle behind the scam is the idea that magnets can be used as a perpetual motion system to generate electricity.

We hope that the proposal you can get large amounts of energy for FREE, combined with the outlandish claims of 25% to 50% savings and the recognizable marketing format used by these scam artists will have been an early alert. If you hear a solution that will help you get revenge on any utility, run! These plans are a nasty effort to part you from your hard earned cash.

Kernal of Truth - by - Angry customers admit  that the guide does contain kernels of truth. “Some of the suggestions in the e-book can reduce your home power consumption. For example, checking for air leaks, have better home insulation, servicing your air-conditioning unit or heate etc,”wrote one.  But is it essentially amateurish and misleading, they say. “The whole “document” is 57 pages long and looks like something a kid in high school put together.

by Chris at MapAWatt - "I have confirmed with my own eyes that Magniwork is a SCAM! One of the readers was kind enough to share the Magniwork plans with me and they are laughable... The final “generator” is basically a magnet that is 2″ high sitting on a turntable that is 4″ high!"

The site was apparently created by scientist Ronald Bronson - see below - and his plans are designed to build a zero point free energy generator to completely eliminate your electric bill.

These scams by Ronald Bronson and others have viciously hijacked the social media and internet we love. The need for affiliate advertising dollars has duped many publishers into posting false positive commentary on these "near fraud" practices, flooding the internet. Added to this, the perpetrators have engaged in a systematic program to create new new web content, targeted at search terms looking for reviews, and containing bogus rebuttals and further false energy saving claims. We encourage readers to become selective in the energy sites they frequent, to know that search results can be misleading, and to only consider reviews from trusted energy saving publishers like Open4Energy.


Several legitimate free energy researchers do exist, but they don't spend huge amounts on advertising like the scammers do. You probably won't have heard of them. The people who pursue wide publicity are almost all scam artists.

If someone is making large amounts of money from selling books and videos on free energy, be very suspicious. If someone is selling plans for "real" free-energy devices, they are a ripoff. Don't waste your money. Or if someone is selling "Dealer ships" or investment opportunities for a free energy corp, hold tight to your wallet and RUN!

If you are seeing this page, do take a look at this article titled Power Factor: Dissipating the Myths published by David Stonier-Gibson of SPLat Controls, or our overview on Power Factor to protect yourself from the many power factor correction scams doing the rounds!


Open4Energy - Get Smart about Energy™