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Magnetic Energy The "Magnetic Generator Plans" scam is a derivative of the original Magniwork Perpetual Motionscam. The principle behind the scam is the idea that magnets can be used as a perpetual motion system to generate electricity. We hope that the idea you can get energy for FREE, the outlandish claims of 25% to 50% and the recognizable marketing format used by these scam artists will have been an early alert.

These plans are a nasty effort to part you from your hard earned cash.

Kernal of Truth - by - Angry customers admit  that the guide does contain kernels of truth. “Some of the suggestions in the e-book can reduce your home power consumption. For example, checking for air leaks, have better home insulation, servicing your air-conditioning unit or heate etc,”wrote one.  But is it essentially amateurish and misleading, they say. “The whole “document” is 57 pages long and looks like something a kid in high school put together.

by Chris at MapAWatt - "I have confirmed with my own eyes that Magniwork is a SCAM! One of the readers was kind enough to share the Magniwork plans with me and they are laughable ...  The final “generator” is basically a magnet that is 2″ high sitting on a turntable that is 4″ high!"

Howard Johnson dedicated his life to exploring the energy produced by magnetic fields. We have linked this page to the 3 patents we found in his name, filed with the US patent office, so that you can have FREE access to his original claims. We do encourage you to disregard these scam plans, that are so wickedly abusing his good name.

US Patent #4,151,431 - Johnson; Howard R. Filed 1973 - Issued 1979 - Expired 2009
Abstract: The invention is directed to the method of utilizing the unpaired electron spins in ferro magnetic and other materials as a source of magnetic fields for producing power ....

US Patent #4,877,983 Johnson; Howard R. Filed 1985 - Issued 1989
Abstract: A permanent magnet armature is magnetically propelled along a guided path by interaction with the field within a flux zone limited on either side of the path by an arrangement of permanent stator magnets.

US Patent #5,402,021 Johnson; Howard R. Filed 1993 - Issued 1995
Abstract: A magnetic propulsion system including a plurality of specifically arranged permanent magnets and a magnetic vehicle propelled thereby along a path defined by the permanent magnets.


Open4Energy - Get Smart about Energy™