Product Introduction by Open4Energy
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The Unified Smart Energy Platform is Here
Building the smart grid will require the products and services of multiple technology providers. The Silver Spring Smart Energy Platform provides the network, software, and services needed as the foundation.
The company’s intelligent endpoints encompass electricity and gas meters equipped with network interfaces that link to both the utility and the home. They also include the bridges that relay communications from Distribution Automation (DA) devices.
Network infrastructure includes the access points (APs) and relays that forward data from endpoints across the utility’s backhaul or WAN infrastructure into the back office.
The UtilityIQ application suite incorporates both utility applications such as advanced metering and outage detection as well as administrative programs for managing and upgrading the network.
The CustomerIQ web portal enables utilities to directly communicate usage, pricing, and recommendations to consumers. Silver Spring works with each utility to customize the information portrayed and to import utility-specific information such as rate schedules.
A full suite of smart grid hardware and software — Simply Smarter.
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