Please use our directories to educate yourself on the new products and solutions that are available to help you save energy, and learn how to protect yourself from the scams that are trying to deceive you!
Fossil fuels remain the obvious cheap way to produce energy and there are significant vested interests in keeping things as they are. Change is never easy and corporate profits will always influence corporate decisions. Change will take place when we the consumer make the effort to educate ourselves and refuse to be misled. Remember that you are paying for the marketing budgets that hype up ineffective products. If you want value for money, and access to disruptive innovative solutions, it is up to you to use the internet to find them.
Only when we the consumer USE the information that is available to make informed choices and select products that do what they claim for fair value will we reclaim the power that rightfully belongs to us.
Supply side - also known as energy generation technologies.
The supply side of energy efficiency addresses new ways of generating energy and include; nuclear, geothermal, fuel cell, bio gas, solar, wind, wave action, flywheel to name a few. Renewable energy is a class of supply side energy generation, where the "fuel" to create the energy can be considered renewable; sun, wind and water.
Demand side - also know as energy distribution/saving technologies
The demand side of energy efficiency includes anything that can reduce the amount of electricity needed to do the "work" required including; the smart grid, smart meters, power factor correction, energy monitoring solutions, energy efficiency solutions and energy efficient appliances/devices.
Please remember that improving your energy efficiency, be this a supply side or a demand side solution, will require technology, investment and a change in peoples attitude if it is to succeed. In many cases the pay back will be in many years, and the ultimate benefits to generations to come. We encourage you to think longer term and to start somewhere as soon as possible!
Our goal is not to promote any particular product or solution, but to provide expert opinion and a gateway to real user experiences. This will allow you to make an educated decision for your needs.
Please use our directories to educate yourself on the new products and solutions that can help you save energy, and learn how to protect yourself from the scams that are trying to deceive you!
Get Smart about Energy™